Wednesday 27 May 2015

Term 2 Week 6

Yesterday room 28/29 made some Maori gods. Some people wanted to make there own Maori gods.  We did Maori gods  for Te Tuhi.  first we had to write the name of owl Maori gods.  Then we had to put some describing  word to make it in with owl Maori gods.  Next we drawled on a plan white paper and we drawled on it.  After that we had to colour it in with pastel and colour the white spaces have to be gone.  After that we had to cut out our Maori gods and we put some glue on it.  During that we had to go on to cool text and get owl book and put those letters on the computer.  We made these for Te tuhi and it was littel bit hard and it was fun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice work Dee!You have thought about it really well!
From your friend Hudson